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About & Contact Informations


New Mexico Hemp Services, LLC is a new company located in Santa Rosa, NM. Our Administrative office is located at 490 Corona Ave. Our Drying/Extraction and Storage facility is located 3 miles south of Santa Rosa at 1391 S. Hwy 91. New Mexico Hemp Services (NMHS) operates a highly sophisticated drying and extraction facility where state-of-the-art equipment will be used to produce the highest quality hemp products. Our Administrative building was once a Wells Fargo bank building. It has office space, a lobby, meeting room a breakroom and a small test lab. It also contains vaults which will be used to securely store our products. Our facility located on S. Hwy 91 consists of 2 buildings. It is connected by a paved road to I-40. The extraction/processing/storage building, which is a 54,000 sq. ft building, contains our state-of-the-art extraction equipment, a German Harter Box Dryer, and facilities. It is also where our biomass will be stored. Future plans for this building include a fully equipped lab and office space. The 2nd building, the drying building, contains our belt dryer, which effectively dries large quantities of biomass on a daily basis. Our milling machine is also located in this building. This property is over 80 acres, 22 acres of which are irrigated. It is bound by the Pecos river. Currently, our irrigated acres are being leased and farmed with high quality hemp plants. In purchasing our equipment, NMHS took great care in purchasing the highest quality, food grade equipment available. This enables us to participate in the pharmaceutical market.


490 Corona Ave
88435 Santa Rosa,


December 15, 2020



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