Blonde Nepalese Temple Hash - CBD Balls
375.90 EUR (€)
Unit Size: 200 grams
Minimum Purchase: 5 grams
On Stock: In stock
CBD HASH, CBD<20%, Exclusive Sticky Hash, THC<0.1%
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Nepalese hash has always been one of the most prized and sought-after in the industry.
Its popularity is mainly attributed to Dutch coffee shops, where Nepalese hash has, over the years, become an icon, primarily due to the high regard the industry has always had for the quality of the production methods that accompany it.
In its new version of legal hashish, Blonde Nepalese hash retains all the traditional characteristics that have made it popular worldwide and further enhances its effects with a high percentage of CBD, accentuating its charm.
TheBlonde CBD Nepalese hash is the result of an in-house project with cutting-edge cultivation dedicated solely to hashish. An innovation that is definitely worth trying!
This Blonde Nepalese CBD hash faithfully replicates the visual and morphological characteristics of traditional Nepalese hash.
In Nepal, hashish has always been extracted, like charas, and rolled into balls called “temple balls”. However, the difference with Charas lies in the fact that Nepalese hash is derived from dried flowers rather than fresh ones. The resin that accumulates on the hands is collected and rolled into balls with a characteristic shine.
The consistency of the balls, although influenced by the surrounding temperature, is both sticky and creamy, primarily due to the ancient processing technique from which it derives.
Bringing this fascinating Nepalese CBD hash near your nose, you immediately understand the reasons behind its undisputed success.
Its aroma is rich, spicy, and pungent, with strong hints of earth, pine, and forest, and a lingering taste of ripe citrus.
Our Nepalese hash comes from specially selected Hemp cultivations derived from ancient Kush genetics, giving it iconic and classic scents and flavors of traditional marijuana. A.K.A. OG-Kush Sativa.
As we have seen before, the processing techniques used for this product come from ancient traditions passed down in the regions of Nepal. In these territories, hashish production is ancient and has been the primary source of livelihood for many inland villages for many years.
The motivation for the development of such products in these territories likely stems from the spontaneous proliferation of the cannabis plant on many plateaus in the country.
Hemp cultivations used to obtain our Nepalese hash have been specially studied and created to obtain high-quality resin, with the utmost attention to quality and innovation.
The above-mentioned CBD percentage, even though it remains an indicative number that can vary from sample to sample, is always certified through analyses conducted in multiple authorized laboratories.