Hurd separator/cleaner
40000.00 EUR (€)
Unit Size: Inquire
Minimum Purchase: 1
On Stock: Inquire
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40000.00 EUR (€)
Unit Size: Inquire
Minimum Purchase: 1
On Stock: Inquire
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This device is made to clean and separate different grades of hurd after initial decortication/scutching. It also extracts larger strands of fiber from the Hurd mass. It can be attached to any existing line providing maximum clean product graded in the first step for different applications such as animal bedding, cat litter, fingerboards, construction(hempcrete, blocks), plaster agregate, Industrial absorbent etc. This device is made to clean and separate different grades of hurd after initial decortication/scutching. Hemp hurd separator/cleaner also extracts larger strands of fiber from the Hurd mass. It can be attached to any existing line providing maximum clean product graded in the first step for different applications such as animal bedding, cat litter, fingerboards, construction(hempcrete, blocks), plaster agregate, Industrial absorbent etc.